Sunday, February 3, 2013


WHEN!  That's what's missing...

This blog has been sorely neglected.
I'm sorry.
It was supposed to be the link between our journey and  our friends and family who were following but...
well, frankly, there really isn't much to follow in the early stages.
We already knew the WHO of the the story...

We knew the WHAT

We knew the WHERE

And, we most definitely knew the WHY!

But, we didn't know the WHEN and that was what everyone wanted to know!

"When are you going?"

"When will you get to meet them?"


We didn't have a good answer...  until now.

Now, I can say "Soon!"

Now, we have our I-800a approved and in our hands!  That was the last bit of paper trail we were chasing and the last requirement for the full submission of our dossier to our children's government.

The rest of the dossier is already there and (hopefully) translated and waiting for this last. piece. of. paper.

It's my understanding that, once it's translated and submitted, the Minister of Justice 'typically' signs the official referral within 3 weeks.

And, when the referral is signed?  What happens next, you ask?

We get our WHEN!

Travel dates.... we are praying hard for March... Would you join us?

Would you pray for a swift answer?
Would you pray for our children- that their hearts would be ready for a family?
Would you pray for Dan and I because we are NOT travelers, but homebodies at heart!
Would you pray for our children at home, especially David, who is still struggling with his health?

We have been given an incredible gift- we have been offered a matching grant of $420!  This means that every dollar given to our FSP will be matched by an amazing and anonymous group, up to that $420!  BUT, there is a WHEN to this gift also!   The match ends on Saturday, February 9th.  Would you consider walking a bit of this journey with us by making a donation?   There was a blog post on this subject this morning and I hesitate to include it here but I'm going to anyway.

I hesitated because it's about money.  And yet... it's not.

More than anything it's about listening.... and if it's on your heart to assist us financially, thank you!  We appreciate it more than you can imagine!   If your gift to us is the gift of prayer or friendship, never fool yourself that it is any less appreciated!

Update!  Our matching grant was met and then some!  Thanks so much for showering us with your blessings!